ProductCamp is a participant-driven, collaborative conference on topics related to Product Management, Product Strategy, and Product Marketing. All participants should come prepared to present a topic or run a group discussion (a.k.a a session). A session is a very loose format that can be a presentation, roundtable discussion, workshop or something else. The main idea is that session participants take actively part in the session. In last year’s ProductCamp Helsinki all sessions had active participation. Even from Finns who don’t tend to ask too many questions during presentations!
When crafting a topic for a session, it would be good to have a product related topic that you find of interest and could interest people who themselves develop, manage and market products. It could be something that you’ve learned over the years and want to share with others or perhaps you have a problem and you need a sounding board for your thoughts. Last year one session was about pricing models because the session leader was working on a new pricing model and got some good comments about pricing in general and his new version.
Writing a good session description is critical because sessions are the program. By reading session descriptions people decide if they come to the event or not in the first place but also they decide which sessions they want to take part in. In last year’s event we had mainly product managers. I’m expecting that the group of people is pretty similar this year but hoping for more marketers and technical people to attend the event.
Last year’s session descriptions and an overview of the event can be found here and the session template documents can be found here.
Eagerly waiting for your session proposal,
Lasse Lumiaho
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